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IL News 010/2018


Southeast Asia is religiously plural, therefore it is vital for the peace and flourishing of the region for people from different faith traditions to live together in harmony. For this purpose, on Tuesday, June 5th, 2018, the Leimena Institute got a visit from the Center for Research on Christian-Muslim Relations (CRCMR) which has its head office in Manila, Philippines. CRCMR is a Christian organization that focuses on building and nurturing good relations between Christians and Muslims in Southeast Asia. CRCMR wants to undertake initiatives such as research, interfaith dialogues and trainings that will advance Christian-Muslim relations.

The CRCMR leaders visiting Leimena Institute were Dr. Aldrin Penamora, Executive Director of CRCMR (Philippines), Sydney Witbooi, OMF Area Director for Southeast Asia (Singapore), Bishop Dr. Hwa Yung, Bishop Emeritus of The Methodist Church in Malaysia (Malaysia), Bishop Efraim Tendero, General Secretary of World Evangelical Alliance (Philippines), Dr. Richard Schlitt, Director of Creative Integrated Ministries International (Hong Kong). From Leimena Institute, there were Matius Ho, Executive Director of Leimena Institute, with Budi Setiamarga, Daniel Adipranata, and Vonny Tjandra.

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While respecting the distinctions of each religion, it is CRCMR’s and Leimena Institute’s overall concern to work together with other like-minded religious communities toward eradicating religious polarization and advocating genuine freedom, justice, peace and mutual respect for all. The meeting between Leimena Institute and CRCMR went well with a hope for a better future with a better Christian-Muslim relation, especially in South East Asia.