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IL News 021/2017

Indonesian nationhood is based on demos, which means different people being hold together in the same dreams and purpose. The same dream and purpose need to be nurtured and guarded so that we can live in unity as a nation. For this reason, public leaders have an important role to protect and to nurture the dreams of the nation.

This is the the reason why we organise Johannes Leimena School of Public Leadership (JL SoPL). JL SoPL is an intensive leadership school started in 2014 and have been running regularly every year. This year, the JL SoPL 2017 was held at Hotel Dreamtel Jakarta, 23-29 July 2017.

The school was attended by 26 public leaders from different places such as: Kabanjahe (North Sumatera), Surabaya (East Java), Surakarta (Centre Java), Mamasa (West Sulawesi), Jakarta, Depok, Bogor, Bandung (West Java), Toraja (South Sulawesi), Lampung, Ketapang (West Kalimantan), Samarinda (East Kalimantan), Ambon (Maluku) and Papua. They also came from different walks of life: clergy, university professor, civil servants, activists, etc.

Participants were equipped with essential knowledge, motivation and skills in leadership. They were also challenged to strive together to achieve the vision of the nation and their societies, through public policy and the state instruments, from the local to national levels. Here were some of the comments:

This training is useful to help me developing my career and vision.”

“Develop my capacity with new knowledge which is handy also…”

“To affirm and motivate to get involved in the political life in this country…”

“Useful for my profession as I can teach others to support Pancasila…”