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Church and State Strategic Forum – Forum Srategis Gereja dan Negara (FSGN)

Indonesia Church Council (PGI) and Leimena Institute Partnership

Palopo, 23-25 January 2018

IL News 003/2018

If we depart from Makassar, South Sulawesi, heading north 370 km, we will arrive at Palopo, was named Ware, famous in La Galigo epic. This literature is UNESCO world heritage.

Church and State Strategic Forum was held in Palopo on January 23-25th, 2018 as collective effort to strengthen churches’ role in public leadership succession plan. The event is organized by Indonesia Church Council (PGI) and Leimena Institute, attended by 19 church synods from all over Indonesia.

This forum was started with opening worship led by Rev. Gomar Gultom, M.Th. (General Secretary, PGI) and officially opened by Rev. Lambang Mandi Tandipare, S.Si, M.Si. (Chairperson, Gereja Protestan Indonesia di Luwu). It was followed with Indonesia Democracy and Politic session by Drs. Jakob Tobing, MPA (President of Leimena Institute) and Role of Churches session by Rev. Dr. Henriette T. Lebang, M.Th (Chairperson, PGI). Pancasila as the foundation of living together and value to be internalized by public leaders, was encouraged by Rev. Dr. Andreas A. Yewangoe (Senior Fellow of Leimena Institute, and Steering Committee of UKP-PIP).

Moment of Local Elections in 2018 and Presidential Election in 2019 should not be responded in reactive manner, but rather as a self-reflection for churches to strengthen its role in presenting public leaders with integrity and impact for the nation. This responsibility requires systematic and sustainable efforts, not a sporadic or impromptu one.

To assist participants designing succession plan program, Matius Ho, MS (Executive Director of Leimena Institute) and Budi H. Setiamarga, Ph.D (Director Center for Religion and State Studies, Leimena Institute) introduced Value Proposition Canvas concept, a mapping tool with bottom up approach. This tool can be used to identify real needs, shared gain, and jobs to be done. At the end of the workshop, participants used this mapping tool for the succession plan for young generation in each ministries.

We hope this forum be a collective efforts among churches to live out the calling in presenting public leaders with integrity and impact. This way, the footprint of church ministries will be recognized and appreciated for this nation.

Leimena Institute as strategic church partner, known as think tank that build Christians role in public life, is ready to work with Church Synods in developing Succession Plan for Young Generation to be Public Leaders. For more information, please contact Leimena Institute (Mobile: +62 8111 0 888 54; Email: info@leimena.org)