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IL News 023/2018


Say any number, then multiply it by half, the result is half. So is your life, even though you have full potential, when done half-hearted, the result will be halved. What a pity!

This opening message was passed by Rev. Soleman Allolinggi, General Secretary of Toraja Church Synod, at GARUDA program held from 17-18 October 2018 at Tangmentoe Training Center, Toraja. This public leadership program was organized in partnership between Toraja Church and Leimena Institute, longing to see the birth of young public leaders with integrity and impact.

The training was facilitated by Daniel Adipranata and Puansari Siregar with active-participative approach. Participants from 17-25 years old, were actively involved as learning subject through set of learning activities (discussion, problem solving, and projects) “This is my first training where I didn’t just come, sit, and listen. This is very active, but brain draining”, said a participant.

It was followed by online learning on leadership and nationhood. The participants were grouped as learning community who interact and sharpen each other as church and nations’ cadet. The need to achieve our nations’ dream takes a clean and knowledgeable leadership quality. It is not impossible if we keep learning.

Now, the online learning has reached the second module. Let us support and pray that all participants stay full-spirited and faithful, and when the time comes, they are ready to be the leaders. This message comes from Rev. Arsiaty Sipa’ Kabangnga’, M.Th., Fifth Head of Toraja Church Synod, during the closing remarks. A true spirit is a sustained one, even after the training is over. Keep the learning spirit. Be faithful to learn as a proof of your leadership quality.