A Series of Webinar from Ministry of Religious Affairs of The Republic of Indonesia and The Leimena Institute
DIALOGUE OF ABRAHAMIC RELIGIONS FOR WORLD PEACE: A Series of Webinar from Ministry of Religious Affairs of The Republic of Indonesia and The Leimena Institute
Main Editor: Dr. Muhammad Zain
Editor: Daniel Adipranata
Cover: Rycko Indrawan
Layout: Rycko Indrawan
Published by Perkumpulan Institut Leimena
Menara Karya lantai 7, Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. 1-2,
Blok X-5, Jakarta Selatan 12950
ISBN: 978-602-61538-2-1
vi + 210 page. 14 x 21 cm
© 2023 Perkumpulan Institut Leimena
Diskripsi :
Implementing a series of international webinars Dialogue of Abrahamic Religions for World Peace continues the Abrahamics Faiths Roundtable on 22 July 2020. On this occasion, the 2019-2020 Minister of Religion, General TNI (Purn) Fachrul Razi, expressed the thought that, ” Our Main Task is to seek common ground as the Big Family of Abrahamic Religions to be able to work together fot the sake of Peace and the Progress of Human Civilization.”
We hope that this book will be of use to stakeholders and the general public who wish to learn and continue to strive to improve cooperation and communication between the Families of Abrahamic Religions so that they can contribute to world peace.
Responsible Citizenship
in Religious Society
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