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IL News 014/2020
June 3rd, 2020

“How do you manage nervous in the midst of assessment? I am always nervous and hence my potential is not properly explored: became passive, stammering, and even to the point of unable to understand recruiter’s questions. Whilst in calm situation, I can surely handle it.”

This is one of the questions asked at Webinar Ask the Expert: Assessment, organized by the Leimena Institute on June 3rd, 2020. The Leimena Institute reached out to fresh graduates and equipped them to enter the workforce. Attended by 118 participants from all over Indonesia, this event presented Andry Lie (Business Fellow, the Leimena Institute) and Bambang Yapri (HR Consultant) as speakers.

The speakers explained about assessment by presenting analogy of how a rectangular-shaped item will never fit into triangular-shaped space. Just like assessment that aims to measure how fit you are into the job and company; by considering your natural personality and skills.

So what are measured in assessment stage? There are 4 elements: attitude, leadership, cognitive, and technical. These 4 elements do not automatically exist in each individual. It’s a continuous learning and improvement.

Undeniable, assessment stage is like a nightmare for job seeker. Most of the time, the effort to search for a job was halted in assessment stage, just as experienced by one of the participants mentioned earlier in this writing. But a life without challenge is not a life worth living. Our part is to keep trying, whilst putting hope on the efforts.

Hundreds of participants from Indonesia have thrived by learning from the experts, before embracing the workforce. May the efforts bear the fruits!

Let’s observe some comments:
“Keep the expert speakers and stay wise in sharing stories as well as answering questions”
“Very good, lots of practical tips”
“Very useful for fresh graduates who need input and advice”