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IL News 031/2020


“Christians are part of Indonesian, part of plural society, hence need to be involved”, said Matius Ho, MS, Executive Director of the Leimena Institute, to webinar participants held by Yayasan Lembaga Sabda, a Christian non-profit foundation focusing on Bible supply, biblical tools, and other Christian resources.

The webinar held on November 5th, 2020, was titled the same as Leimena Institute tagline “Responsible Citizenship in Religious Society”. Some questions from participants are: “Who founded Leimena Institute? What are the take home messages for young generation who want to initiate ministry similar to Leimena Institute?”

Matius Ho ended the 2-hours webinar with the story of the Good Samaritan. Jesus gave example of how the Samaritan, who was different (or perverted), was the one treating other lovingly. This message should be a breakthrough in how our mind seeing others, not as someone or group who is morally or ethically higher than other groups.