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Visit to Constitutional Court

IL News 005/2018

A young teenager once asked, “Why should we care about Indonesia?”. This question is commonly found among our surrounding. It is the reason why we keep working together with various partners until today, ie. to promote responsible citizenship, especially to Christians in Indonesia. Here are some of our activities last March 2018.


Nationhood Workshop
(Partnering with Indonesia Nationhood Movement – Gerakan Kebangsaan Indonesia)
22-23 March 2018

This workshop was participated by 21 pastors from Indonesia Christian Church – Gereja Kristen Indonesia (GKI) and Indonesia Nationhood Movement activists. We equip participants with nation building knowledge on challenges that threaten diversity in Indonesia, intolerance, church’s role in responding the threat, and strategies to promote viral and sticky nationhood message. It was also followed with handy practices, learnt from excursion study to Constitutional Court and Wahid Foundation.

Savic Ali, in the session “Preserving Indonesia: Reality and Challenge”

Visit to Wahid Foundation


Nationhood Dialog: Religion Intolerance, Role of Church, and Participation of Young Generation
(Partnering with Wahana Visi Indonesia)
23 March 2018

This dialog was attended by 40 participants, such as pastors, activists, and management team of Wahana Visi Indonesia. Drs. Jakob Tobing, MPA (President of Leimena Institute) was the keynote speaker for Religion Intolerance session. He further explained on Indonesia pluralism with its current intolerance challenge. Matius Ho, MS (Executive Director of Leimena Institute) was the speaker for Participation of Young Generation in Establishing a Tolerant Civil Society session. Participants receive actual data on how millennial can participate in preserving Indonesia.

Let us keep working, together for Indonesia!