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IL News 018/2017

The Constitutional Court partnering with Leimena Institute organised “Getting to Know Citizen’s Constitutional Rights for Leaders from Leimena’s Young Adults Organisations partners.” This event took place at the training centre of the Consitutional Court in Cisarua, from 15 to 18 May 2017. We have 150 participants coming from Youth and Young Leaders Division of the National Council of Churches in Indonesia, Indonesia Campus Crusade, Gerakan Mahasiswa Kristen Indonesia (GMKI – Indonesian-Christian Students Movement), Navigators, Jesus for You (J4U), and Intervarsity Fellowships in Indonesia. They also came from different parts of Indonesia—34 people from Sumatera, 55 from Java, 8 from Kalimantan, 28 from Sulawesi, 9 from Maluku, 7 from West Timor, and 9 from Bali.

The event was started by singing the national anthem, Indonesia Raya followed by speeches from Leimena Institute and the Indonesia Constitutional Court. Representing Leimena Institute were Dr Maruarar Siahaan (Senior Fellow)and Dr. Budi H. Setiamarga (Director of Center for Religion and State Studies). Representing the Constitutional Court were Budi Achmad Djohari (the Chairperson of Training Centre of the Constitutional Court) and M. Guntur Hamzah (General Secretary of the Consitutional Court).

All sessions were designed to equip participants with knowledge of citizen’s constitutional rights. There were: The Constitutional Court in the Indonesia State System” by M. Guntur Hamzah, “Knowledge on Nationhood” by Laksda TNI Yani Antariksa (Lemhannas), “Reactualisation of the Implementation of Pancasila” by Gregorius Seto Hariyanto, “Constitution and Constitutionalism in Indonesia” by Abdul Gofar, “The State System according to 1945 Indonesia Constitution” by Fajar Laksono, “State in the 1945 Constitution” by Pan M. Faiz.

Apart from lectures, participants were divided into groups to learn how to analyse government’s policies through ‘case studies.’ They were asked to present their discussions—which were compiled and would be used as input for the Constitutional Court. At the end of the training, all participants received their Certificate of Participation.