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IL News 021/2018


When exercising electoral right at 2019 Presidential and Legislative Election, we need to remind ourselves what kind of Indonesia that we envision in the future. Is it still the plural nation yet united by independence dream, Bhinneka Tungal Ika? Or is it a divided nation caused by discriminated sentiments? Will Pancasila ideology remain or will it be the radical ideology such as ISIS that has threatened the Unitary State of The Republic of Indonesia? Will democracy stay or will we back to the authoritarian regime?

We need to remember these big questions as we vote in Presidential and Legislative Election. Our choices will determine the answers. Churches and Christian-based organizations leaders were reminded on these issues from the lecture by Ambassador Jakob Tobing, Leimena Institute President, at Nationhood Seminar themed “The Role and Response of Churches in 2019 Presidential and Legislative Election” at Graha Oikoumene, Jakarta, on October 1st, 2018.

The seminar, initiated by Transform-world Connection Indonesia and Pondok Sentosa Foundation, also presented keynote speakers Rev. Dr. A.A. Yewangoe, Rev. Gomar Gultom and Dr. Iman Santoso. All participants were reminded that Christians in Indonesia were not in exile, as often interpreted from Jeremiah 29:7. The better interpretation is to be sent as light for nations as in Isaiah 49:6. Christian mentality should be an ambassador mentality, not exile mentality.