IL News 024/2017
The Indonesian Constitutional Court (MK RI) together with Leimena Institute organised the event for “Socialisation for Increasing the Understanding of the Constitutional Rights for Indonesia Citizens” at Centre of Education for Constitution and Pancasila (Pusdiklat (Pusat Pendidikan Pancasila dan Konstitusi) Bogor, from October 2 to 6.
In this event, the focus are young adults from different religious backgrounds. Altogether there are 150 people from 23 provinces, 36 institutions, and 12 religions and believers. The purpose of this event was to encourage these young people to be catalysts in socialising the five principles of Pancasila, the values of Constitutions as well as proper understanding of Human Rights.

In the beginning, participants who come from different background were having outbound activities for icebreaker and getting to know each other. Through various games and activities, they also learnt Indonesian life values.
In the session, “Serving the Nation,” there are two keynote speakers. Jakob Tobing, the architect of the Amendments of the 1945 Constitution. Mr. Tobing shares his experience in Indonesia politic arena. All the participants enthusiastically listen to him, who started his political career at a very young age, 24 and became the Chairperson of a Commission of The House of Representatives (DPR) at 29, where he had to led people who were much older than him. The second speaker was Dr. Alwi Shihab, who encouraged young leaders to participate in our nation building. He also encouraged these future leaders of the country to have the passion for learning and to stand on right principles. Dr. Shihab who was Minister of Welfare from 2004-2005, taught many Indonesia values to the participants.

On the third day, the sessions were focused on Constitution and Pancasila: The Constitution Court in Indonesia State System by Prof. Dr. M. Guntur Hamzah; Worldview on Nationhood by General Major of the Indonesia Army, Ibnu Tri Widodo; Reactualisation of Implementation of Pancasila by Prof. Dr. Iriyanit Widisusen; Constitution and Constitutionalism in Indonesia by Dr. Hamdan Zoelva; State Operational System according to the 1945 Constitution by Dr, Janedjri M Gaffar; The Guarantee of Indonesia Citizen Constitutional Right according to the 1945 Constitution by Drs. Fajar Laksono, S.sos, M.H.

These 4 days 3 nights’ program was ended on Friday, October 6th lunch time. The participants drew conclusions from these four days’ events and gave a recommendation regarding: “Young Adults: Between Conflict and Solution.” Participants were energized by this training. They said that they were not just learning a lot about knowledge of their constitutional rights but they also had been inspired to promote inter-faith tolerance and the spirit of unity. The sponsors hope that all these participants will become agent of peace in their respective communities and be the model of Pancasila-people who live together harmoniously with everyone despite the differences in faiths and beliefs.