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IL News 025/2020


For many of us, Pancasila course is classified as lowest priority – if not important. Can’t blame anyone for this, due to previous learning experience by memorizing. It’s a public secret! The state is aware of it, and continuously strengthens the understanding of Pancasila through education and public spheres.

The Leimena Institute is aware of it too. Hence, in Pancasila learning process at Southeast Asia Bible Seminary (STT SAAT), we try to present Pancasila as a dialogue, which ends in action. This course is held online, facilitated by Budi H. Setiamarga, Daniel Adipranata, and Puansari Siregar.

The Leimena Institute encouraged students to understand Pancasila by looking back into the original intention as suggested by Soekarno in his speech at The Birth of Pancasila on June 1st, 1945. The Oneness of the Almighty God doesn’t mean worshipping one God, but rather the freedom to worship The Almighty God in civilized way. The nationalism humanity that also includes internationalism. The political democracy which is balanced with economic democracy, where democracy walks hand in hand with prosperity.

Students use this idea of the state foundation as a tool to analyse public issues in Indonesia. During discussions and projects, the students are encouraged to analyse the public policies, relationship among citizens, and other public issues from the perspective of Pancasila.

Pancasila is also compatible with Christian faith. It is a love statement in public. The students learn to practice it by meeting other fellow citizens in their neighbourhood. To listen to them, reflect what it means for them as students and future religious leaders.

They engage with a street seller in front of a supermarket, talk to a security staff whose salary is deducted due to COVID-19 pandemic, say hello to a lonely neighbour, greet the Ambon conflict survivor, contact a friend who is being stereotyped, etc. These are some encounters from the students, as part of their efforts to practice Pancasila in Indonesia.

Of course, there is no finish line in our efforts to practice Pancasila. It is a principle that needs to be reflected continuously and actualized as way of life. Pancasila is a narration and action.