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IL News No. 007/2011
by Institut Leimena


Young People, Let’s Unite Our Heart and Get Busy for Him!

That’s the call from the GMKI (Gerakan Mahasiswa Kristen Indonesia = Indonesia Student Christian Movement) of Bandung branch in their 61st Anniversary event on Friday, February 9th, 2011, at Wisma Sejahtera, Bandung (West Java). Institut Leimena, represented by Budi H. Setiamarga (Director of the Center for Policy Analysis), was invited to speak in this special event. Around 70 people came, not only from GMKI members, but also from other youth organizations, such as PMKRI (Catholic), GAMKI (Protestant), KNPI, GMNI (both non-religious affiliated), and Christian student fellowships from universities in Bandung. Some senior members of GMKI also participated. Bandung city’s First Assistant to Mayor, on behalf of the city mayor, gave an opening remarks.

Mr. Setiamarga talked about Dr. Johannes Leimena, one of GMKI’s founders, as a national figure who has set a good role model as a Christian, medical doctor, church leader, statesman, and politician with a conscience. Therefore, it is appropriate for the President of the Republic of Indonesia to grant him the status of a National Hero in November 2010. In his presentation, Mr. Setiamarga also shared the following message from Institut Leimena’s Program Advisor, Pontas Nasution, who is also the former Director of GMKI’s Central Board (1963-1965):

“Dr. Leimena’s interest on political life grew out of his study of the Bible. He found out that political issues were discussed in depth in the Bible. From there Dr. Leimena built the awareness of the importance of public service. Therefore, I urge GMKI to revive their bibly study, because through this an authentic servant will be born. An authentic servant means a servant who is neither fake nor shallow. GMKI need to imitate Dr. Leimena who saw political involvement as a service.”

In the same session, Samuel Tumanggor, who wrote “For God and Indonesia: A Struggle on the Meaning of Christianity and Nationality” and “Christians, Guide Your Nation”, reminded the Christian youths the importance of understanding their citizenship status in Indonesia and in heaven. Thus, GMKI shouldn’t just focus on the horizontal aspect, such as politics and society, but also vertical aspect, that is their Christian discipleship. Both aspects must grow together in balance.

In this 61st anniversary of GMKI, the Christian youths were encouraged once again to become the light of the world since early age, so that whereever the Lord will place them in the future, that light will continye to shine and glorify their heavenly Father.

Dies Natalis GMKI