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IL News 029/2019
Surabaya, East Java,  December 17-18th, 2019.

University is a very important institution in developing people’s knowledge, skills and character, especially the young generation. Therefore, Leimena Institute continues to collaborate with numbers of universities in Indonesia, including Petra Christian University.

On December 17-18th, 2019, UK Petra and the Leimena Institute conducted Nationhood Induction. For two days, participants gained various insights on Indonesian ideas, pluralism, Pancasila, and the Constitution. Budi H. Setiamarga and Daniel Adipranata became the facilitators for the participants, who were mostly lecturers.

One of the interesting activities for the participants was an excursion study to the HOS Tjokroaminoto’s house. The house is historical evidence of how Sukarno’s  (First President of Indonesia) leadership journey was influenced by his mentor, HOS Tjokroaminoto. The participants were invited to see how their role as educators and mentors as well can inspire the nation’s cadres in realizing Indonesia’s ideal. Dr. Ir. Eka Dewi Angraini, MSc (Chair of DMU, ​​UK Petra) conveyed how good and important the event was. We hope that we can continue our efforts to build a democratic society and make a good contribution for Indonesia.