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IL News 018/2020


9 July 2020


What is the “Public Space of Pancasila”? What do religions teach of their roles in such public space? How is religious life as implementation of Pancasila in public space? Those are several questions discussed via Zoom Webinar held by Leimena Institute on Thursday, July 9th 2020 at 2-4 PM. The topic was, “Being Religious in Public Space of Pancasila”.

The speakers are Prof. Dr. M. Amin Abdullah (Philosophy Professor at UIN Sunan Kalijaga and Chair of Cultural Commission at Indonesia Science Academy) and Rev. Dr. Andreas A. Yewangoe (Member of the National Agency for Pancasila Ideology Education’s Steering Council and Chairman of Indonesia Council of Churches 2004-2014). This webinar is moderated by Budi Setiamarga from the Leimena Institute.

Prof. Amin Abdullah explained that in Islamic thought, religious distinctive values can not be separated from the shared values. In the context of democracy in plural Indonesia, it should serve the public good and lead to active tolerance. Social cohesiveness and Indonesia cultural nation must be built in humanitarian solidarity beyond all differences, including religions. Nevertheless, there are groups of people who later bring values against the principle of co-existence in the plural public space. This could be overcome by revisiting the Religion Education, which should not only be vertical but also horizontal, leading students to respect each other despite all differences. Pancasila becomes prominent foundation to build stronger Indonesia.

Rev. A. Yewangoe explained there are differences between being religious in public space and private space. Pluralism in public space is related to co-existence that doesn’t just happen by itself. Public space of Pancasila is definitely not a public space that goes against religious values, because this is shared space from various religions living together in equality. Hence, Pancasila should be understood as religious practices that honor togetherness above differences. This way, religion can be the ethical foundation for a good nation to grow in healthy public space.