IL News 023/2020
This title was discussed at Interfaith Discussion organized by Indonesian Islam Students Movement Corps, Samarinda city, at August 21st, 2020. It was held as reflection on Indonesia 75th Independence Day. Diajeng Laily Hidayati, Head of Islam Counselling Course Study at IAIN Samarinda, in her opening remarks said this webinar is an effort to build interfaith literacy as steps to friendship and stronger diversity in Indonesia.
Speakers for this event are Novita Sari (Konghucu Public Counsel of Ministry of Religious Affairs of Bangka Belitung Islands Province), Fuad Fansuri (Post Graduate Lecturer at IAIN Samarinda), and Puansari Meilina Siregar (Leimena Institute). Each speakers share their perspective of women and Indonesia Independence.
Novita Sari Dewi revealed that women are independent creature in Konghucu. The congregations are expected to do good deeds and serve others with their independence. Along with the tone, Fuad Ansari explained that Muslim women are independent creature. It is the interpretation of women, which is the real challenge to make it come true.
Puansari Siregar agreed. She shared that women, since the movement of Indonesia Independence until today, had been weaving their own independence. Undeniably there are numerous challenges that women embrace, such as cultural, structural, politic, and religion issues.
The sharing was continued with questions and answers. The participants also came from other provinces, such as Central Kalimantan and West Kalimantan.
Looking at the same principle in each religions, that women are independent creatures, it should arouse the spirit of sisterhood among religions. However, some challenges still exist. This is our shared responsibility: to collaborate and partner among religions to achieve justice and peace for all citizens including women.