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IL News 002/2019

Christian Leadership Symposium at Aletheia Theological Seminary, January 8th, 2019


The seminar room at Aletheia Theological Seminary on January 8th, 2019 was full of 150 attendees from different professions, students, and lecturers. They joined Christian Leadership Symposium titled Christian Leadership Challenge Today.

Tan Yunus Sutandio, Head of Church Music study program, welcomed all participants and opened the symposium officially. He asked participants to be thankful together in celebrating Aletheia Theological Seminary 50th birthday. This golden age should be the momentum to do more for the nation.

Budi H. Setiamarga, from Leimena Institute, join as speaker for leadership and Indonesia.

He started the first session looking back to Indonesia pluralism history as one geography and melting pot for race and big religions. Pluralism is a blessing! The 1928 Youth Pledge reconfirmed Indonesia oneness over all differences.

Christian should be involved in nursing unity and Indonesia independence. Christian should dare to dream for Indonesia and play significant role.

He then continued to second topic titled Building Dream Together. He presented research result on religion projection in 2050, where 60% of world population dominated by Christian and Muslim. Hence, world peace is determined by relation between Christian and Muslim.

He then persuaded participants to showcase Christian identity as salt, by being present in society, tearing down apathy wall, reaching out of church wall to befriend and collaborate with other religions, for common good.

Christian should dwell on their leadership calling by continuously developing sensitivity to act and benefit from technology advancement to strenghten Indonesia.