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IL News 001/2019

Block Teaching on Pancasila and Citizenship at Aletheia Theological Seminary in Malang from 7-11 January 2019


The lecture topic on third day was Christian Leadership in Nation History. Students are divided into 4 groups. Each was being asked to present background and value from Christian leaders in the era of independent movement, such as John Le, TB Simatupang, Sam Ratulangi, etc.

Then a student came up. He took a guitar and started playing minor notes. He then explained, even minor notes could compose beautiful song. The same applied to Christian who is minority in Indonesia, could be beautiful if composed together and being impactful. Moreover, the statement of majority and minority is not proper, as everyone is equal in the eye of constitution.
All students are laughing at his creative analogy on Christian public figures whilst also nodding as to agree with his explanation.

That’s what more or less happening at Pancasila and Citizenship intensive class: students become learning resource by playing active role in understanding learning process, guided by facilitator who trigger students’ desire to know more. Short-story reading, simulation, and role-play, are some methods used to encourage students being active in processing nationhood principles. Changing learning methodology is necessary, considering there is stigma on Pancasila and Citizenship course as unimportant and boring.

As a proof, Sionarita H.L, majoring in Church Music, expressed positive experience while joining the class: “My impression for the intensive class is very pleasant. This is the first time I am interested in learning Pancasila and Citizenship course. It is also the first time the course is directly connected with Christian faith.”

Pdt. Linus Baito, M.Th, Lecturer on Missiology and Sociology, opened the intensive course officially by persuading participants to seriously join the class and think about Christianity in Indonesia.

Hopefully the class will be a stimulus to think about strategic role needed by theological students as responsible citizens.

Just like the minor notes played earlier, quantity is not the goal. Furthermore, in constitution: majority and minority is not substantial or relevant anymore. All citizens are equal in the eye of constitution. We could be minor in quantity, but we must be major in quality!