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Photo: Idy Muzayyad, KH Marsyudi Suhud, Matius Ho, Budi H. Setiamarga, KH Masduki Baidlowi, Rev. Henriette T. Hutabarat-Lebang, Js. Kristan, Prof. Abdul Mu’ti, Paulus Florianus, Jessica Tanoesoedibjo, dan Yosep Adi Prasetyo.

IL News 006/2021
July 14th, 2021

Information and Communication Commission of Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) and Leimena Institute hosted Multi-faith Journalists Workshop titled “Religious Media Roles in Actualizing Diversity Harmony” on July 14th, 2021. The webinar was virtually attended by 710 participants from Indonesia and overseas.

Matius Ho, the Leimena Institute’s Executive Director, said on his opening remarks, “Belief in God is important for 96% of Indonesian citizens; hence the importance of religious related news in shaping our society’s thinking pattern and behaviour. Religious media, often treated as “insider media”, is influencing beyond its congregation, because its contents shape our perspective toward others who have different religions and faiths. It perhaps is more influencing than the mainstream media”.

In the same opportunity, Vice Chairman of MUI, Dr. KH Marsyudi Suhud, encouraged participants, “Let’s give birth to people who are capable of speaking and expressing in public. Do not stay silent. If we are silent, we will be beaten by hoax and social media hatred”.

The first session was moderated by Idy Muzayyad, M.Si. (Vice Chairman of Information and Communication Commission of Indonesian Ulema Council), titled “Building Positive Perception towards Those Who Are Different: The Urgency and Challenges in Congregation Building”. Speakers in this session were KH Masduki Baidlowi, M.Si. (Chairman of Information and Communication Commission of Indonesian Ulema Council), Rev. Dr. Henriette T. Hutabarat-Lebang (Chairman of Indonesian Bible Society), and Js. Kristan (Konghucu figure).

The second session was moderated by Budi H. Setiamarga, Ph.D. (Leimena Institute), titled “Role of Religious Media in Building Multi-faith Relations”. Speakers in this session were Prof. Dr. Abdul Mu’ti, M.Ed. (General Secretary of Muhammadiyah), Paulus Florianus, S.S. (Program Manager of DAAI TV), Jessica Tanoesoedibjo (Advisor of Life Channel, MNC Vision), and Yosep Adi Prasetyo (Chairman of the Press Council 2016-2019).

All participants gave positive response and requested further follow-up. Information and Communication Commission of Indonesian Ulema Council and Leimena Institute expect there is a forum for multi-faith journalists’ dialog and relations in order to build diversity harmony and strengthen the multi-faith relations.