Institut Leimena
Founded in 2005, Leimena Institute was created as a response to the national situation at that time and the encouragement of the national church leaders.
Our Program
Cross-Cultural Religious Literacy
Cross-Cultural Religious Literacy (CCRL) is an approach to thinking, behaving, and acting to be able to work together with people of different religions and beliefs (collaborative competence), based on an understanding of moral, spiritual, and personal self-knowledge (personal competence) and other people of different religions and beliefs (comparative competence).
IL News
Leimena Institute and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hold International Conference to Strengthen Multi-faith Collaboration
Efforts by Leimena Institute to Build Religious Literacy in Indonesia Received Positively
CCRL Conference Strengthens Human Rights Commitment and Solidarity in the Law State
To be attended by 30 World-renowned Speakers, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and Leimena Institute Ready to Host the CCRL International Conference
Leimena Institute and Three Christian Schools Holds CCRL Training
Leimena Institute Supports Interfaith Endeavors
Responsible Citizenship
in Religious Society
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